Audrey Monke is a youth development writer and speaker, who interviewed Mike and Mary Endres as part of her Happy Campers Series. The Happy Camper Interview covers all sorts of topics; the benefits of an all-boys camp, rights of passage into adulthood, transcending adversity, the importance of face-to-face interactions, and the many skills kids build at Camp Chippewa. As Audrey observes, “there is so much going on [at Camp Chippewa], beyond what people can see in a photo.”

“[The canoe trips are] a right of passage. In today’s culture there are not a lot of chances for boys and girls to have that step into adulthood… When they come back from these three week trips… especially these older boys, you can see them physically, emotionally, even spiritually stronger, and then when they go off to college, they can handle it”



Check out the interview to hear about the necessity of opportunities like Chippewa in the lives of young people, seen through the experience of child development experts. Follow the link below to watch the whole interview.